
奥克兰有50多个岛屿供你探索, 要爬55座火山, 22 conservation parks within easy reach of the city 和 plenty of beautiful 海滩.  The diverse lanscape means 奥克兰 is a city for outdoor lovers with a seemingly never ending supply of walking trails. 我们挑选了几个我们最喜欢的地方. 


乘短途渡轮去美丽的海滨小镇 德文波特 然后沿着大街走到 太维多利亚.  是短的, steep 和 scenic walk that allows you to enjoy 360 degree views of the Waitemata Harbour 和 奥克兰 City.  


前往德文波特的另一座山, 北的头 从渡轮码头步行20分钟就到了吗.  The Mount is full of military history complete with gun settlements 和 a series of tunnels to explore.  The 20 minute walk up to the summit provides sweeping views of Cheltenham beach, 怀特玛塔港和朗伊托托岛.


位于奥克兰市中心西南部, 太伊甸园 这个城市的最高点是海拔196米吗.  The walk up rewards you with magnificent 360 degree views of 奥克兰 和 the Hauraki Gulf.  With a 50m-wide crater, it's also a popular spot for picnics.  在坐骑的一侧,是获奖的 伊甸花园 提供5.5英亩,远离城市的喧嚣. 


Rangitoto is the youngest of the Hauraki isl和s at around 700 years old. 从市中心乘25分钟的轮渡 奥克兰 (or 德文波特) 和 follow the trail through the volcanic l和scape to the summit.  在顶端, there are a couple of viewing platforms with stunning views of the Hauraki Gulf 和 the 奥克兰 skyline.  在下山的路上,你可以尝试找到熔岩洞.  There are about 3-4 sailings out to Rangitoto per day 和 2-3 back, so it's best to get to the terminal on either side 20 minutes ahead of time. 整个行程安排4-5小时.


从市中心到 使命湾.  沿着主干道奔跑, the walk along Tamaki Drive gives continuous views of the harbour from the city past the beach 和 cafes of 使命湾.  The path is split into a walking 和 cycling lane 和 you can expect to see plenty of joggers.  When you are arriving close to 使命湾, walk up the driveway to the 迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨维奇纪念馆 欣赏兰吉托托岛的美景.


距离奥克兰以西45分钟路程的地方是荒凉而崎岖的 大浪滩 还有被拍照的狮子山.  从皮哈海滩你可以步行到瀑布, while at Bethell's beach there is a great river-based walk just before you get to the beach car park on the left.  Look for a cluster of parked cars 和/or trampers heading out.  当然, you can also just walk along the beach until you reach the end where there is a giant cave.


位于奥克兰购物区的中心, there is still an opportunity to stretch your legs 和 enjoy a scenic walk.  往山上走一走 皇后大街 to 阿尔伯特公园, cut through the university 和 turn left on Symonds street until you reach Alten Road.  It's at this point that you turn right 和 head down to cross over Stanley Street.  从 here, you walk up into the trees where you will soon reach the 奥克兰域.


一起与相邻 一树山域名 (the two are often erroneously grouped together as one place), 康沃尔郡公园 形成了奥克兰最大的绿地.  The park is a popular settign for joggers 和 walkers with no area of the park closed off for pedestrians.  The view at the volcano summit offers impressive panoramic views of the 奥克兰 region.  公园里有很多牛, a playground area 和 the Stardome Observatory 和 Planetarium so you can combien a walk with a family day out.


从皇后街上端走一小段路就到了, 奥克兰域 is 75 hectares of open parkl和 和 the site of the 奥克兰 Memorial Museum.  以普克川火山的火山遗迹为背景, it includes a number of sports playing fields 和 the Winter花园. It's a good opportunity to combine a walk with a visit to one of 奥克兰's most popular tourist attractions.


Thw Waitakere范围 are about 45 minutes drive west of 奥克兰.  有超过250公里的步道设置在40,000英亩茂密的雨林, 瀑布和崎岖的海岸线.  The breathtaking l和scape has been used in many films including "The Piano".海岸到海岸

The walk runs from Manukau Harbour at Onehunga to Waitemata Harbour.  沿着人行道你可以选择爬上去 一树山Mt. 伊甸园 火山,并将经过许多公园和古老的几维人的房子.  There are numerous places to catch a bus back to the city if you decide to take the easy way back.  开始散步, take a bus (the 347 from Britomart) to Beachcroft Avenue in Onehunga 和 then walk back to the waterfront in the city.